C - Language

To know about the C language, visit our blog. It is becoming popular for its features and is implemented by many compilers.

C - Language

The nature of a programming language:

Programmers can design instructions for a computer to take. These instructions are called a program.

The fundamental basics of C language:

C is the general purpose programming language. it was created in 1970 by Dennis Ritchie.C is an imperative procedural language that supports structured programming, lexical variable scoping, and recursion, with a static type system. C language offers low-level memory access language constructs that efficiently map to machine instructions, all with minimal runtime support. Despite its low-level features, the language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming. A standards-compliant C program written with portability in mind can be compiled for a wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with few changes to your source code.

Topics learners should learn in the C language:

    1. What is language?
    2. What is a program?
    3. What are Text editors and their types?
    4. What is an Operating System?
    5. What are Storage Devices?
    6. Fundamentals of C language.
    7. How to write the first program?
    8. How does the OS execute the program? 
    9. Entry point of program.
    10. Syntax of writing code. 
    11. Keywords
    12. What is case sensitive language?
    13. What is the compiler and its working?
    14. Header Files and its functionality. 
    15. What is Printf function and how it works
    16. What are operators? 
    17. How to accept input from the keyboard? 
    18. If / Else conditions
    19. Looping construct
    20. What is an array?
    21. What is function, prototype, function body and return type?
    22. Binary code System
    23. Characters 
    24. Strings
    25. Scanf functionality 
    26. What is fflush?
    27. Fgets (input as string)
    28. Data type identification
    29. What is Asterisk / Star?
    30. Pointers
    31. Global variable and local variable
    32. What is struct?
    33. Pointers to a structure
    34. Pointers Algorithm
    35. Dynamic memory Allocation
    36. Pointers as an array
    37. Create Library
    38. File Handling 
    39. Command line arguments
    40. Library creation 

    Data Structures

    1. Linear Sorting
    2. Bubble Sorting
    3. Selection Sorting
    4. Insertion Sorting
    5. Heap sorting (max and min Heap)
    6. Stack
    7. Queue
    8. Radix Sort
    9. Quick Sort
    10. Merge Sort
    11. Shell Sort
    12. Data Structures : Singly Linked List
    13. Double Linked list
    14. Binary Search Tree
    15. Back tracking
    16. Recursion
    17. AVL Tree
    18. Red black tree
    19. Graphs


    1. Hello World
    2. Sum 2 numbers
    3. If else ladder
    4. Factorial
    5. Fibonacci
    6. Prime number
    7. Armstrong number
    8. Array logics, find smallest, largest, 2nd largest. 
    9. Reverse an array
    10. Search a number in an array, count how many times.
    11. Count length of string, convert to uppercase, lower case, capitalise.
    12. Palindrome string logic
    13. Left trim, right trim, all trim. 
    14. Accept two strings and checking 1st string in 2nd string
    15. Find and replace strings. 
    16. All above string and sorting with help of pointers 
    17. All above string and sorting by recursion
    18. Singly linked list as students records
    19. Doubly linked list as student records 
    20. File Handinly examples to read, write and all operations. 


    Create an application for Anything that should contain 

    • Crud Operations
    • File handling
    • Use data structures

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